“How to wake up early in the morning”

Ayush Khangar
Nov 26, 2020

Waking up early is nearly everybody’s resolution as it has many benefits such as -

  • Peace and mindfulness
  • Extra hours (compared to lazy people)
  • Smooth start to the day

But many people can’t or they just don’t want to, if you want to wake up early below are some tips that have helped me start my day early:

  1. Eat light dinner i.e avoid eating too much or junk food as that may lead to indigestion.
  2. Avoid exertion as it can disturb your precious sleep.
  3. Drink a glass of lukewarm turmeric milk before going to bed as it is proven to relax the body.
  4. During Sleep time: Relax your body, take deep breath-in and breath-out and then just sleep.

Thank you for Reading.

Have a nice sleep.



Ayush Khangar

Hello there fellow Reader, I am writes who writes mostly on controversial news and everything related to it. However on a great day I write Random Stuff.